Frequently Asked Questions
General inquiries
What is Prodoc and what does it do?
What are the benefits of using a conversational AI platform?
How does Prodoc integrate with my existing systems?
Is Prodoc secure and GDPR compliant?
What is the pricing for Prodoc?
Technical inquiries
What types of prompts can I create with Prodoc?
How do I train my AI with custom topics and data?
What languages does Prodoc support?
Does Prodoc offer any analytics or reporting features?
How do I ensure my AI stays up-to-date with the latest information?
Security and privacy inquiries
How does Prodoc protect my customer data?
Who has access to the data collected by Prodoc?
What happens to my data if I cancel my Prodoc subscription?
Is Prodoc compliant with industry regulations like HIPAA or PCI DSS?
Specific feature inquiries
How does the Lead Generation feature work?
Can I use Prodoc for customer support on multiple channels?
How does Human-Assisted Learning help improve my AI's performance?
What data does the Advanced Analytics feature track?
How can I use Curate to collect and manage customer data?